2022 Sponsorships
Nonprofit Leadership Summit Series
- • 250+ attendees
- • Summit addressing HR, Fundraising, Finance, Tech & Marketing for NPOs
- • Mission-oriented training seminars
- • Single best networking opportunity for nonprofit leaders and board members
Role of the Board
- 150+ attendees
- BVU’s flagship program
- Geared for community & business leaders people participating in BVU programs
- Cross sector
- Seminar & training for board service
Minority Pipeline Initiative
- Individuals interested in nonprofit board service
- Nonprofits interested in DEI in their boardroom
- Annual “classes” since 2008
- Businesses thinking about DEI leadership development
Civic Connections
- Business professionals and members of BVU
- Critical topics and conversations
- Executive and Community Engagement professions
Homeless Stand Down
- 100+ attendees
- 1,500 homeless individuals served
- 50 community partners
- 10+ corporate stewards
Ask the Expert
- 120+ participants
- skill CONNECT programmatic impact
- bite-sized projects for skilled volunteers
- curated experience
Frequently Asked
What kind of recognition can I expect from a sponsorship?
Social media tags and callouts, welcome remarks, 30-second sponsor-provided videos, marketing material distribution, logo inclusion, eblast listing, and more.
Do I get tickets with my sponsorship?
Yes. Number of tickets varies on sponsorship level.
What if I'm hoping to reach nonprofits and businesses at the same event?
For a cross sector experience we recommend: Role of the Board, Ask-the-Expert skill CONNECT, Linking New Leaders, Homeless Stand Down, and Minority Pipeline Initiative events.
Impact and Reach
Numerous events series
Email lists of 14,000 subscribers, weekly highly segmented sends with above average click through rates and open rates
Digital, tradtional, and earned media recognition available
Virtual and in-person options
Logo on the BVU website generating over 100,000 visitors annually
What to Expect
Delivering excellence in event and program offerings is the business of BVU. Teaching nonprofits about boards and management and businesses about community engagement is in the fabric of who we are.