By Molly Golish-Hanley

Nonprofits and businesses alike are dealing with return to work challenges. It is easy to feel a little lost without knowing exactly who to contact for guidance in these unprecedented times. Prompted by a BVU hosted “Ask the Expert” event, Chris Herbruck from Gallagher sat down with Mary Olah from Welcome House to talk about return to work challenges and opportunities.

Welcome House supports individuals with developmental disabilities by working directly with these individuals to identify their strengths and interests. Much of this work requires case management staff to sit directly across the table from the organization’s clients. In our current climate, they had to think critically about ways to make their mission delivery safe for employees and clients. Mary reached out to BVU to request expert assistance around COVID-19 human resource risks.

When Chris sat down with Mary, they discussed PPE usage, the organization’s risk mitigation style, and budgetary constraints. These two individuals chatted over Zoom for about 45 minutes with a healthy back and forth from both parties. They delved into cost effective ways to reconfigure Welcome House’s workspace while Chris shared industry standards. Chris felt confident having a conversation with Mary knowing that if he did not have the answers, he knew someone that would. He connected Mary to Gallagher resources and town halls that facilitate conversations around human resource issues.

At the end of the meeting Mary did not feel so alone in her search for answers and Chris had made an impact in his community by volunteering virtually at one of BVU’s “Ask the Expert” events.

Learn more about Welcome House here.