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No Business Continuity Plan? Take These 4 Steps
Four building blocks of a business continuity plan that will help position your organization to get through these challenging times. It’s not too late!
BVU Resource Center – Nonprofit Quarterly on Responding to COVID-19
Nonprofit Quarterly will present a special NPQ Town Hall conversation with four nonprofit leaders to inspire your thinking about how to frame the COVID-19 crisis. ...
BVU Resource Center: 18 funders join together to form the Greater Cleveland COVID-19 Fund
18 philanthropic partners join together to form the Greater Cleveland COVID-19 Fund. This Fund, being launched with $3.95M, brings together funders across Northeast Ohio to distribute grants to nonprofit organizations serving on the front lines of the pandemic. For...

BVU Resource Center – Virtual Volunteering
See COVID-19 Specific Volunteer Opportunities: When you think about volunteers, the typical image of a team planting a community garden, revitalizing a local park or painting a lively mural at a school comes to mind. Yet...
BVU Resource Center: Scenario Planning, More Important than Ever Scenario planning is a big piece of business and continuity planning. Hear about the important steps from our CEO, Brian Broadbent.
BVU Resource Center: Call on your board during COVID-19
Your board is more important than ever. They are your trusted advisers, engage them. Read on with Board Source.

BVU Resource Center: Coronavirus and the Workplace
A remote workforce? Decreased interest on loans? Families First Act? Medical screenings for staff? Meyers Roman and Oswald cover it all in these power point slides. Click HERE to access these slides and HERE to see the full webinar. Productivity in Uncertain...
BVU Resource Center: Fundraising Resources for COVID-19
Many of you have identified your urgent concerns about funding for your organization as well as having to cancel upcoming fundraising events. While fundraising isn’t an area that BVU focuses on, we do want to share a couple resources with you that might be helpful. A...

BVU Resource Center: Budget alleviation efforts for nonprofits from the Small Business Administration
WEBINAR: March 26 Health and government officials are working together to maintain the safety, security, and health of the American people. Small businesses are encouraged to do their part to keep their employees, customers, and themselves healthy. Join Raymond...