Donations Chart
Organization Name Items Needed Contact & Drop off Information Akron Interfaith Immigration Advocates Non Perishable foods, Baby supplies, back packs, school supplies, clothing for youth and adults. Email to...
Big Conferences Are Canceled but Content is Free
Large summits and gatherings, like the NTEN conference, were canceled but some presenters are still doing their sessions as recorded and upcoming webinars.
Business Continuity: COVID-19 Response Checklist – What do you need to be thinking about?
Simple steps for your nonprofit’s response to COVID-19. COVID-19 Response Checklist - Risk Alternatives See more here.
Keep Your Nonprofit Running With These Free Resources from Tech Impact
Upcoming webinars and more Tech Impact resources

Skills-Based Volunteering Fees Waived
As part of our mission to strengthen Northeast Ohio, BVU connects professional with business expertise to provide skills-based volunteering to nonprofits with specific projects or needs. While our skills-based volunteering service is typically available for a fee,...
Grants Plus – Grant Oppotunities
Resources on how non profits can receive grants during times of crisis.
BVU Resource Center: Professional Development at Home
As a result of the COVID-19 social distancing recommendations, many nonprofit organizations have decided to work remotely. This is true for BVU as well. This situation creates an opportunity for employees to engage in some professional development. Some employees...
Local foundations create COVID Rapid Response Fund to help nonprofits on the front line
As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold in our community, we are inspired by the people who are stepping up and coming together to address the public heath threat and help those who have been - and will be - most impacted by this pandemic and its effects. Last...

Having a succession plan for key leadership is important, and we are seeing that come to life across the country. Nonprofits are dealing with employees working remotely and/or the reality of having essential employees out-of-pocket due to their own or a loved ones’...
Find out what Northeast Ohio employers are doing in response to Coronavirus
Check out ERC’s Northeast Ohio Employer Coronavirus Response Survey Report ERC Coronavirus Resource Center