The Board’s role during the COVID crisis
The Board plays a critical role, in partnership with staff leadership, to sustain the organization.
Loans Available for Nonprofits in the CARES Act – a handy chart from National Council of Nonprofits
Information about the three loan programs of the CARES Act
Check out these steps on how your nonprofit can qualify for this loan when it becomes available. This can be any day now. CARES Act: How to Apply for Nonprofit Relief Funds -- Understand the criteria, timelines, and application information Loans Available for...
FREE Webinar Series on Business Continuity
Practical strategies for business continuity planning: free webinar series hosted by KeyBank.
Navigate Fundraising Challenges with Network for Good
Network for Good provides resources to help nonprofits navigate fundraising trends and challenges. Check out their website for articles, webinars, and the latest info on the impact of COVID-19 on fundraising. ...
Nonprofits apply for CARES Act
Apply for 2.5 times your average monthly expenses. There may be loan forgiveness for the value of up to 8 weeks of the loan.
BVU Resource Center: How Nonprofits Can Utilize the New Federal Laws Dealing with COVID-19
Insights about new legislation, including CARES Act and SBA.
Virtual Meetings
National Council of Nonprofits’ Analysis of the CARES Act
Key Nonprofit Issues in the economic stimulus bill
Leading an Organization Through the COVID-19 Crisis
15 things to keep in mind as you adjust to new realities