Forum on COVID-19, the Economy, and the Nonprofit World
Discussion on how charities, foundations, and donors are responding and adapting from Chronicle of Philanthropy
Five Tips For Doing More With Less In Your Nonprofit Right Now
Learn some tips for continuous organizational improvement. -- Great article with 5 tips: Ask your customers what they want. Document your processes. Perform a risk inventory. Stand in...
Streamlining operations for the return to work- Webinar
A recording is now available of this webinar session which you can re-watch and share with your network: Click here to download accompanying slides as well:...
Communicating your organization’s COVID-19 response to your board
By: Julie Clark, Vice President, Nonprofit Engagement, Business Volunteers Unlimited As a nonprofit leader, regular communication with your board is key, and it is even more critical as we work together to navigate through COVID-19. Your board and committees should...
Mission Delivery Impacted for Northeast Ohio’s Nonprofits, Survey Says
BVU Nonprofit Survey Infographic “This has completely removed all traditional means of delivering our mission in our community.” Nonprofits see decrease in funding, project losses in staff, mission deliverability CLEVELAND, OHIO – Today, Business Volunteers Unlimited...
Nonprofit Quarterly webinar on Managing a PPP Loan Effectively
Guidance on how to spend, account for, and track for maximum loan forgiveness This webinar is for nonprofit financial leaders who have received a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan or expect to in the near future. Many are wondering: “now what?” How do I manage...
Returning to Work: What All Leaders Need to Consider
BVU Presentation As Ohio’s economy begins the gradual and careful process of restarting, returning to a physical workplace will be anything but business as usual. As eager as organizations are to reopen, working in person again will bring even greater challenges than...
Checklist to Plan Re-Opening of Office
What to consider when planning your nonprofit’s return to the office. BVU-Re-Open-Checklist
Skills-based volunteering makes a difference at Arts Cleveland
By Julie Clark Our friends at Meyers Roman have been pro bono (or skill-based volunteer) superheroes over the past 6+ weeks. Very early on in this crisis, Managing Partner Seth Briskin lent his expertise to several nonprofit organizations trying to navigate...
Free webinar on Financial Leadership from Nonprofit Quarterly
Join Nonprofit Quarterly for a webinar about making decisions in unprecedented times. "Never has the practice of financial leadership been more important. In today's climate, we are making sense of new financial data on a daily basis. We are having to plan and re-plan...