BVU in the News: Business Volunteers Unlimited helping nonprofits to diversify their boards of directors
By Peter Krouse, CLEVELAND, Ohio – Northeast Ohio nonprofits are making a push to diversify their boards of directors, and one place they turn for help is Business Volunteers Unlimited. That’s where Towards Employment, an organization that...
Dix & Eaton: DE&I In Action
Ways to Volunteer Using Your Car
Still working from home and want a reason to drive somewhere? Feeling like you need a little purpose in life? Or perhaps you want to help others that have been hit hard during this pandemic. Check out this great list of volunteer opportunities for ways to get out and...
Free series on The Art of Purpose-full Podcasting
Have you thought about producing a podcast for your nonprofit? Check out Marcum’s 2-part series – “The Art of Purpose-full Podcasting” to learn about the WHY and HOW of podcasting. PART ONE The Case for Podcasting PART TWO The How of Podcasting
Help your employees find purpose—or watch them leave
The benefits of getting individual purpose right are clear. If we don’t act now we will lose our most precious resource, our people. Organizations are putting time and thought behind retention as corporate culture changes permanently. BVU is proud to host our Business...
Resilient nonprofits tap into their superpower
In The Bridgespan Group’s latest article, learn about how to maximize your nonprofit’s “superpower” to build resilience. Click here to learn more.
The Value of a Volunteer Hour
We all know how important volunteers are to the success of our nonprofit organizations and the strength of our communities. Today, Independent Sector, in partnership with the Do Good Institute at the University of Maryland, announced that the national average value...
Benefits strategy and benchmarking info available through Gallagher
Nonprofits, like organizations in every sector, have been challenged over the last year+ to think about different approaches to employee comp and benefits, communication, and culture practices. Improving technology, providing options to employees, and look at...
Third Nonprofit Stability Index- February 2021
In February of 2021, Business Volunteers Unlimited (BVU) conducted a third survey across the nonprofit community of Northeast Ohio regarding the impact of COVID-19. 101 nonprofits responded. Our resource center has tools and tips on how your nonprofit can...
The Legal Lowdown for Nonprofits: 4-Part Educational Series
BVU is excited to offer The Legal Lowdown for Nonprofits: 4-Part Educational Series, in partnership with Pro Bono Partnership of Ohio. This workshop series is designed to help your nonprofit organization stay on the right side of the law regarding issues that...