BVU Business Hub

Learn, connect, and engage with Northeast Ohio businesses and nonprofits.

Engagement Opportunities

BVU makes it easy to make an impact, providing a wide variety of ways to get involved. As a BVU Business Member Employee, you are invited to browse, sign up, and enjoy any of the programs below! 

Summer of Service with Deloitte.


Volunteer while building meaningful connections with fellow BVU members at these curated service opportunities.

Volunteer Resource Center


Make volunteering with your staff fun and easy by signing up for a Team Volunteer Project through our Project Hub.

Pro Bono Consulting


Give your professional skills to help a nonprofit grow. A variety of projects are available.

Volunteer Center


View hundreds of local volunteer opportunities and get involved with causes that matter to you.

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Upcoming Business Member Events

Everyone wants to be a positive influence in their community, but sometimes it’s hard to know where to start.

Start here.

Meet the Members

As an employee of a BVU Business Member, you’re in great company. 

What Our Members Say:

{BVU is the great facilitator. If a company has an interest in using their skills to volunteer, BVU is the institution that knows the nonprofits doing the work.
Joe Faulhaber
(Formerly) President, Junior Achievement of Greater Cleveland
{Every year we do a Done-in-a-Day volunteer project called Fields for the Future. This is a project where our employees volunteer their time to renovate and beautify a baseball field in the City of Cleveland. BVU does a lot of behind-the-scenes work for us to set it up so that when we go out there that day, it’s really easy for people to engage and just get into the work and have a great day.
Rebecca Kodysh
Executive Director, Cleveland Guardians Charities
{Community outreach has become a large focal point for our team here at OverDrive. Partnering with BVU was one of the best decisions we made this year for OverDrive, our team and the community. It has ignited our desire to give back and has helped us do it with success and impact.
Lori Ann Franklin
Chief Operating Officer, OverDrive, Inc
{I didn’t know what I had to give until I did the first Skill CONNECT program. I’m always excited at the end of these “Ask the Expert” sessions. The nonprofits are so grateful and thankful. Nonprofit leaders are great at leading their organizations, so being able to help these professionals improve in areas where they don’t have expertise is so rewarding. When you work in a specific field every day, you almost forget that what you have IS a valuable asset to others without that skillset.
Stephanie Smith