AI for Social Impact

BVU’s Civic Leadership Summit

October 24, 2024 | 8AM-12PM
Case Western Reserve University

AI is everywhere. As the world adapts to this emerging technology, nonprofits and the people who care about them must not be left behind. Join BVU and local experts to go beyond the theory of AI and learn practical, real-world applications that will advance your organization’s mission through increased efficiency and impact.


AI for Social Impact

The integration of AI stands as one of the most pressing and transformative topics for organizations working to make a difference in our community.

At this year’s Civic Leadership Summit, BVU seeks to demonstrate how nonprofits and the people who care about them can make a BIGGER difference through the responsible use of AI technology.

Just as the advent of computers revolutionized the way professionals operate, AI presents unparalleled opportunities and challenges that demand our attention and understanding. BVU’s position at the intersection of the nonprofit and business world allows us to connect civic leaders with AI experts who will discuss trends, practical insights, ethical considerations, and specific tools. 


Current Trends in AI for Social Impact (Keynote)
Setting the stage with the author of a much-anticipated book on using AI in the nonprofit sphere. (Details coming soon!)

Practical Insights, Guidelines, and Specific Tools (Presentation)
Introducing AI into nonprofit operations and maximizing the benefits while distinguishing between appropriate and inappropriate uses of AI within the nonprofit context. Emphasizing responsible deployment and risk mitigation and delving into specific AI tools and platforms. 

Ethics, Risks, and Concerns of AI Usage (Panel Discussion)
Addressing the ethical considerations surrounding AI adoption, as well as the risks and concerns that nonprofits should be aware of.

Join us!

BVU Members: $115 | Nonmembers: $165

Partner with BVU to showcase your company’s dedication to community impact.

 Hear From Last Year’s Attendees

{FANTASTIC and inspirational speakers. So relevant to our everyday. 5 out of 5 stars! We are so lucky to have BVU here in Cleveland.
Dawn Yorko
Business Director, Canopy Child Advocacy Center
{I appreciated the subject matter expertise each speaker brought to their topics, and that everything was timely and we stayed on schedule which made for a jam-packed agenda, but nothing was rushed, skipped or missed due to poor time. Great event overall! Excellent job, BVU team!
Melanie Myers
Organization Development Specialist, Oswald Companies
{It is not often that I attend events where all the speakers are as amazing as these three were. This was time well spent and helped rejuvenate me. The nonprofit environment right now is stressful, and this event gave me an opportunity to refocus on myself and becoming the best leader I can be.
Elaine Gimmel
Executive Director, EDEN
{I cannot thank you enough for inviting me. I have been to probably hundreds of events over the years and this was the best one. My colleagues and I have attended multiple events together and we all felt the same way. I also heard that from others at our table. There isn’t a leader or team member who didn’t need today's event. I could go on and on. THANK YOU!
Rebecca Sabino
Account Executive, Medical Mutual
{The speakers were engaging and motivating! I highly enjoyed myself and already bought 2 books that were recommended.
Darrell Gawlik
HR Director, Malley's Chocolates
{Fantastic mix of corporate, education, and nonprofit focus, plus a great storyline that let the presentations build on each other. Kudos to BVU for inviting them to speak! Came on a whim because I know and trust the staff, stayed because the speakers and showflow were exceptional.
Tim Parsons
Senior Advisor, Idealist
{It was a lovely event. It gave me hope that I can be a good leader and that I'm not alone in the way I feel.
Micayla Fern
Finance Manager, Hahn Loeser
{Each speaker on their own would have been enough, however the story and information they told and the order in which they shared their expertise took the morning to another level.
Gil Rubanenko
Board Member, Allison Rose Foundation